Hidden Edge Club: Customer Insight & Experience Dinner Seraph Sphere


Hidden Edge Club: Customer Insight & Experience Dinner

Hidden Edge Club: Customer Insight & Experience Dinner

  • Location:Central London, United Kingdom
  • Venue:St James's Hotel and Club
  • Length:06:30 pm – 09:30 pm

The Hidden Edge Club

The goal of the Hidden Edge Club is to help strategic decision makers within large-scale businesses understand how they can make better, faster, more profitable decisions using data.

Millions of Customers. Millions of Decisions. Millions of (Missed?) Opportunities.

One area where the gains from better decision making are most pronounced is in the management of millions of customer interactions across multiple channels. The need to deliver a joined up, personalised experience across these channels and the role of high performance analytics in determining what action to take has never been more important. Each customer is unique, but patterns exist that indicate what the best next action might be.

Furthermore, modern decision engines can make use of contextual information in real time to deliver better customer experience. Retail, banking, telco and utilities are all good examples of where opportunities exist to use this type of information, generating meaningful interactions with customers that lead to incremental profit. Marketing departments are revolutionising their B2C strategies and moving away from traditional campaign-based customer marketing to deliver relevant content through any channel, any time.

What impact would this approach have on your business performance?

Why Attend?

  • Discuss topical issues in a confidential environment.
  • Gain ideas and insights from other senior decision makers who face the same problems.
  • Mix debate with casual networking, and join a network of peers within the Hidden Edge Club.

A Modern Battle Ground.

Personalisation of customer experience is a modern battle ground. Recent studies have found that customers will pay 25% more for a better experience, and analytically driven marketing tools are the best way of tailoring the message to your target audience. As a result, Gartner’s Marketing Study 2015 found that 9/10 companies intend to compete on the basis of customer experience in 2016, leading to the prediction that by 2020 retail businesses that use targeted messaging in combination with internal positioning systems will see a 5% increase in sales (Gartner, Top 10 Predictions).

So, we’re all focused on the same issue, but how do you differentiate?

Better insight. Better decisions. Greater speed.

Join us on May 20 at the St James’s Club and Hotel where the Hidden Edge Club will be making these questions the centre of our discussion. The evening is exclusively for business leaders wishing to discuss how to transform data into powerful insights and use these insights to drive profitable interactions with customers. The evening will begin with networking drinks at 6:30pm followed by a round-table discussion with your peers finished with a fabulous three-course meal.

Chairperson Update.

We are delighted to announce that David Norris of Forward Partners will be chairing our discussion. Forward Partners are a Venture Capital firm investing in bleeding edge and innovative eCommerce ideas. With his expert guidance, we will theorise on what lies ahead in the world of customer experience and catch a glimpse of what the future holds for personalised marketing. David will oversee proceedings using his experience with Forward Partners and Expedia, where he was Website & eCommerce Operations Director, and we’re looking forward to hearing his perspective on the debate.

Current Guests.

Our current guests include the following:

Global Head of Marketing, WorldPay
Head of CRM Partnerships
, Morrisons
Head of CRM, Selfridges
Head of Customer Data Analytics and Insight, Tesco
Head of Digital Analytics & Optimisation, Carphone Warehouse
Head of Online Analytics & Insight, John Lewis Partnership
Head of Marketing, Telefonica
Head of Sales & Service Customer Experience, Telefonica
Head of User Experience, Group Digital Product, Tesco

We are strictly limited to 16 guests at the table so please register to confirm your place.