
Hidden Edge Club: Customer Insight & Experience Dinner

Hidden Edge Club: Customer Insight & Experience Dinner

  • Location: 34 Threadneedle St, London, EC2R
  • Venue:The Mercer
  • Length:06:30 pm – 09:30 pm

In the retail banking and insurance, market competition has dissolved the traditional product advantage making customer experience the new competitive battleground.

By 2017, 50% of consumer product investments will be redirected to customer experience innovations [Gartner], and with three quarters of companies expecting to increase technology spending on customer experience in 2015, one question is gaining significance: have we got a clear and competitive strategy in place to stay relevant in the digital age?

As the fuel that powers digital transformation it is no surprise big data has permeated into every sector and function of the global economy; 65% of senior executives agree that they risk becoming irrelevant and/or uncompetitive if they do not fully embrace it [Capgemini]. Yet 90% of banks and insurers continue to approach their consumer data with caution and primitive tools [SAS].

The insight opportunities that accompany digital channels are endless, however storing terabytes of information without the ability to properly understand its value serves little purpose. The majority of banks are simply collecting information then automating consumer engagement in a bid to adhere to the culture of instant gratification now championed by the modern consumer, and in doing so are in fact neglecting their customers by offering a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

Combining what we know about the knowledge/power relationship with the dangers of neglecting insight from the data collected, it soon becomes apparent the businesses at the helm of industry change are those that best understand their customers. With industrywide technology spending on the rise the correct investment decision is vital to remain competitive. So what tools and techniques are the top ten percent employing for a 360 degree view of their customers? And how is this data driving consistent and personalised interactions across multiple touch points and varying channels? This will be the focus of our next dinner-discussion.

About the Event

Join the Hidden Edge Club on 22nd September at The Mercer, one of London’s most elegant private dining locations (and a mere stone’s throw from Bank station). The evening will begin at 6:30pm with half an hour of networking drinks before we move through to the private dining room at 7pm. This is where we will be hosting our round-table discussion over a five star, three course dinner.


6:30pm: Welcome Drinks Reception & Introductions

7:15pm: Strategic Discussion: Customer Insight in the Digital Age

8:00pm: Dinner service over open discussion

9:30pm: Carriages

Register Now

Given the relevancy of the topic and the high demand for places at our last financial event we anticipate the dinner will fill quickly, it is therefore advised to register your attendance using the form below as early as possible to avoid disappointment.