
IT Innovators Club: IT Leaders Dinner

IT Innovators Club: IT Leaders Dinner

  • Location:London
  • Venue:Haymarket Hotel
  • Length:06:30 pm – 09:30 pm

Technology is advancing at a rate of knots, often leaving almost unintelligible trails of data in its wake. These need to be organised, cleaned, and maintained – no easy task for any company with a large infrastructure. Mismanagement can clog up systems, leading to huge losses of time and consequently capital. How can software-defined solutions help handle this torrent of data, maintain visibility over key metrics and thus make a company more efficient?

Join us at the IT Innovators Club Quarterly Dinner on the 4th of March where we will be discussing the potential of software-defined solutions to revolutionise the way we manage information. The Club offers IT leaders a platform to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this new technology, as well as guidance for those with questions about its implementation.

Fly-by-wire technology was introduced to the aviation industry to ease the pressure on pilots and allow them to concentrate on the more dangerous aspects of flying. The new systems ensured that the majority of an aircraft’s flight would be automated, adjusting to any changes in uncontrollable variables such as wind speed, temperature and pressure. IT leaders are applying this concept to software-defined solutions and are instantly seeing the benefits.

The fly-by-wire model allows IT leaders to retain control and visibility over vast quantities of data while the solution also manages information autonomously. This clarity is an important part of any company, as it allows leaders to better know their own business as well as improving the knowledge of their customers or clients.

It’s clear this will be appearing on agendas regularly this year; with 79% of CIOs currently spending over half their day on day-to-day technology management, 83% say they are planning to make software-defined solutions part of their wider ICT strategies as they are more efficient, more effective and more adaptable than conventional methods.[1]

We will be meeting at the Haymarket Hotel, London at 18.30. Half an hour of networking drinks will be followed by the commencement of the dinner discussion, with the event due to finish between 21.30 and 22.00.

Attendance of the club is strictly by invitation only and, of course, free thanks to the continued support of Logicalis.